Fun Stuff on Fridays

April 21, 2017, posted by Gina – It’s another Fun Stuff on Friday when we post a round up of things that have caught our attention and we think you’d like reading about. You can find almost anything here on Fridays; helpful tips, decor, flowers, products, photos or stories we’d like to share. We hope you enjoy this week’s fun stuff!

Hunt’s Tomato Paste in a Pouch 
Have you seen this yet? This was such a great idea. Recipes often call for just a tablespoon or two of tomato paste. So, what do you end up doing with the tomato paste that remains? Do you have good intentions and put the extra in the fridge only to throw it out at a later date? These new 1.5 oz. pouches of Hunt’s tomato paste are perfect because you use only what you need and don’t waste anything. I know tubes of tomato paste have been around for a while but mostly in specialty food stores. These are in your standard grocery store next to the canned tomato paste. Maybe this excites me a little more than the average person but if you cook a lot like I do you will probably love these.


Flower Covered Cross
There is a church close to my house that completely covers a cross with flowers every Easter. I think it is just beautiful and look forward to seeing it each year. I wonder how many flowers it took to cover this large cross?


Look at this HUGE lemon tree!
A few weeks ago, a friend and I went to one of the larger garden centers in our town to look for beautiful additions to our gardens. Between the two of us we ended up spending a good bit of money. It was when we were at the cash register that the owner of the store asked us if we would each like a lemon tree. We did not hesitate. The prospect of owning our very own tree with plentiful fruit thrilled us. I thought it was so nice of the owner to recognize that we were great customers and was impressed with his gesture of appreciation. He went off to get the trees and I wondered if we’d be able to fit two trees in my car along with the other plants we had purchased. As the owner made his way back to us, I saw he was holding to very small Dixie cups with little lemon tree sprouts in them. I laughed to myself. What had I been thinking? Would the owner still be in business if he gave everyone who made a purchase a large lemon tree? It turns out my friend had the same thought as I did and we had a big laugh the whole way home. Maybe, just maybe, we can grow these tiny lemon tree sprouts into a fruit bearing tree. Believe me, you will be the first to know if we do!

Fun Stuff on Fridays : The lemon 'tree"


Flowers in Four Hours 
This past Saturday I was busy with flowers. First, I did a centerpiece for a client’s Easter table and then I helped with flowers at my church. I thought I would be unwrapping lilies or sweeping or some small job of that nature. But when I arrived at my church and asked how I could help, I found out I was needed to arrange the large flowers for the altar. I am not sure if you have some idea of just how large these arrangements are, but trust me they are large. I had to stand on a ladder to place the flowers. We had two of these big arrangements that were done simultaneously, one by me with two helpers and one by another lady with two helpers. They took four hours to complete. I enjoyed working on them and thought the colors certainly welcomed Easter.

Fun Stuff on Fridays: Large flower arrangement for the altar at church

Fun Stuff on Fridays : Easter flowers for the altar at church

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