Manners on Monday: 7 Tips on How to Be The Perfect Dinner Guest

July 3, 2017, posted by Gina – There is nothing we love more than to be invited into someone’s home for dinner and we believe it is a true honor. Your host is helping strengthen your friendship in a way that not many other events can. Over a home cooked meal, you make a deeper connection because you get to know them on a more personal level, learning more about their lives and interests. It’s also always interesting to discover their personal style and sometimes even meet a cute pet or two. Here we give some suggestions on how to be a great guest.

1.RSVP – Respond as soon as possible so your host can begin planning.

2. DON’T BRING A GUEST – Unless your host has specifically indicated that guests or children are welcome, it is best not bring them along.

3. BE ON TIME – For a dinner invitation, it is best to arrive no later than 15 minutes past the specified time. Your host is working on a schedule and most likely has a timetable in mind for serving the food. If you are late, the whole schedule is thrown off.

4. BRING A HOSTESS GIFT – Who doesn’t like to receive a gift? A small, thoughtful gift will go a long way in letting your host know how much you appreciate their time and efforts. Some hostess gifts we like to give include beautiful soaps, lotions, tea towels or candles. We sometimes bring a breakfast pastry for them to enjoy the next morning. If you do this, make sure you tell the host that it is for them to enjoy the next day so they do not think you are wanting to serve it with dinner. Of course, we love flowers and suggest you bring them in a vase or purchase ones that are easy to pop into a vase. Plants such as orchids are wonderful as they are in a container and ready to go.

5. COMPLIMENTS ARE NICE – Your host has gone to a lot of trouble. Most likely they have spent extra time cleaning and straightening their home. They may have spent several days preparing the meal. Giving them a sincere compliment is a nice way of making them feel special.

6. GIVE THANKS – At the end of the evening, express your gratitude. Once home, write a quick thank you note and place it in the mail the next day. This lets your host know that you appreciate  all the work that it took to create a special moment.

7. RECIPROCATE – Later, invite the host to your home for dinner. By doing this you could be creating a lifelong friendship.

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